We're all at the dinner table discussing the boys' days at camp. Out of nowhere, this conversation:
Sam: Mommy, did you notice that G-d is (whispered) invisible! He's all around us all the time but we can't see him!
Me: Really, Sam! How interesting!
Sam: Yes, Mommy. He's in the dining room RIGHT. NOW.
Rafi and Brian have taken their traditional Sunday trip to Menards. Rafi has arrived home hungry, which usually leads to serious meltdowns. We often have to cajole him to get him to eat when this happens. As they walk in the door, I hear this conversation:
Brian: Rafi, it's time to eat lunch.
Rafi: NO! I am never eating lunch ever!
Brian: Rafi, I got you the 12-inch pry bar you wanted, now you have to eat lunch like you promised.
Rafi: OK, fine.
Only in my house.
Last night, during the rain storm, Sam got out of bed shortly after he'd been put down saying he needed to talk to Daddy. (This is a common tactic for delaying Sam's bedtime.) Brian got him back to his room:
Sam: Daddy, that noise needs to stop.
Daddy: What noise?
Sam: The noise on my window.
Daddy: Sam, that's the rain. It's raining.
Sam: It needs to stop.
Daddy: I'm sorry, Sam, I can't do anything about that. It'll probably stop raining soon.
Sam: No, Daddy, we need to tell G-d to make the rain stop.
Daddy: How do we do that, Sam?
Sam: (knocks on the window) G-d! Can you please make the rain stop now so I can go to sleep! Thank you!
And just then, the rain slowed down enough so it wasn't making the noise anymore.
Sam: See? It works!
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